Wunderbird: An Origin Story
Wunderbird’s origin story isn’t terribly unique. It all started where many passion projects turned business do: with a woman (that’s me) and a hobby (that’s travel) that became her career.
Founding and operating a travel company may sound glamorous. You might be envisioning me right now sitting on a beach in Bali, tapping on my keyboard with one hand, and posting a photo of my bikini-clad body on Instagram with the other hand. It ain’t like that. Instead, I’m currently sitting in my bed, sipping rapidly cooling coffee, and thinking back on how Wunderbird got its start.
Rewind four years to when I got my first job creating travel-related content. That Annie — younger and just a little dumber — was tickled pink to do something she loved (writing) in an industry she obsessed about (travel). Four years of grinding later, I was significantly poorer and solidly in a career rut.
After a couple of months feeling sorry for myself, I attended a seminar led by a career coach. It was two and a half hours of career-related wisdom but she said one thing that stuck with me: If you can’t find a job that suits you, maybe it’s time to make your own. So, I founded Wunderbird.
Don’t get me wrong. Wunderbird wasn’t born from a career dead end and job hunting frustration. Well, not entirely. Let’s rewind even further. Go back 15 years and I’ll tell you how this all began.
When I graduated from my Catholic high school, my classmates and I piled into an airplane and flew to Paris, France. This wasn’t a fun, coming-of-age adventure. It was literally a pilgrimage to look at the insides of dozens of churches across France and Italy. But, in addition to learning loads about saints who died brutal deaths, I was introduced to the wonders of international travel.
Every step of the journey amazed me. The French ate French fries with mayo! Eighteen-year-olds were allowed to drink wine at supper in Italy. And in Rome, there aren’t traffic laws, only traffic suggestions (oh, har har!). But seriously. Annie, 15 years ago, stood on a road in Rome in total awe of how ancient and beautiful and important this place was.
That Catholic-themed pilgrimage changed my life. It inspired me to study Italian, which led me to studying abroad in Milan, which really flung the door open for my life abroad. Each new adventure stoked my curiosity to see something different, to travel a little further, to try something even more interesting.
In the years since I graduated from college, each career decision I’ve made has been motivated by 1) having the flexibility to travel and 2) being able to afford travel. I’ve built my life around this hobby that brings me so much joy. So when I was faced with the decision of what to do next, founding a travel consultancy was an easy choice.
Fifteen years of travel experience and four years of professional experience in the travel industry. I’m prepared to run Wunderbird. But, more importantly, my heart is in it. I want you to let go of every worry and fear you have about travel and leave the details to me. I like to throw around the term “dream trip” a lot, but that is truly what I want you to experience.
My career path was a little twisty but the road ultimately led me here and I’m happy — super, duper happy — to be a travel consultant. So, come on, tell me all about your dream trip. Let’s make it happen.