Jules the Astronaut: Wunderbird's Logo
Starting a business from scratch is an ordeal. The big picture stuff was easy enough — I’m a travel consultant and I’m selling trip itineraries — but there are so many tiny, dumb (but somehow vital), teeth-grindingly complicated details that you need to check off your list before you’re Open for Business.
Like, what does a return policy look like for a product that isn’t physical? Do I need a lawyer to help me write my terms and conditions? Should I pay for insurance to protect me from lawsuits?
Complicated, but the issues that kept me up at night were the creative decisions I had to make for my business. Naming Wunderbird was a months-long process and I’ll tell that story eventually, but today I want to tell you about Wunderbird’s logo.
You know, birds travel all over this green Earth and few birds are as well-traveled as the puffin. I mean, if puffins had access to Instagram, they’d absolutely be the travel influencers who leave us constantly wondering how they afford all these year-round trips. Puffins walk, fly, and swim. They actually spend a majority of their lives out in the middle of the ocean, floating or swimming. So what’s next for a puffin explorer?
I loved the idea of a puffin in space. It’s silly but it makes me smile to think about a puffin suiting up for space travel. This was the inspiration for Wunderbird’s puffin astronaut. I named her Jules after the writer Jules Verne who wrote about space travel long before it became a reality.
I immediately hired someone on Etsy draw a simple puffin astronaut. It was pretty basic but acted as a placeholder until I found an artist who could bring Jules to life. After two months of stalking Instagram, I found the perfect match: Sydney at Super Creative.
Sydney’s designs are fun, colorful, and have a bit of a retro vibe which I totally dig. Her lines are simple and uncomplicated, but never boring. Her Instagram feed is so eye-catching, and I kept coming back to it over and over. And, obviously, what a freaking delight to work with a woman business owner who uses her platform to support social change. YES! I knew Jules was in the right hands with Sydney and @supercreative.co.
I love Wunderbird’s logo. Jules the Puffin is playful and ready for adventure, just like my clientele. And I am tickled pink to wear Wunderbird across my chest. There are a lot of business milestones to get excited about, but rocking Wunderbird swag (schwag!) has been one of the best (so far).
Meet Jules, Wunderbird’s puffin astronaut. And check out Sydney over at @supercreative.co.